Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Digital vs. Print

Michael De Vivo
Prof. Rau
Eng. 101 MD
Oct 28 2014
                                                Why Digital is Easier than Print
            As the years go by the use of digital devices has increased drastically. People no longer need to pick up a news paper to find out what is going on because they can open the internet on their smart phone and the news is the first thing they see. The fact that everything has become so convenient digitally makes it easier for people to do so many basic day-to-day activities. Whether it is typing a paper for school, sending an email for work or even just looking up directions it is right in the palm of your hand all you have to do is open an app.
                                                                                                            Photo by, Fitrah.ramadhan26

            Paper books, newspapers and textbooks are slowly becoming out dated. Even though I enjoy a good book it has become much easier to read on my nook. Everything is right there for you; you can buy books and even connect with friends to trade your books once your done. The process is quick and easy the minute you hear about a good book you can download it almost immediately.
            I often hear people talk about the negative affects this change from paper to digital has had so far but anything can have negative factors. I believe there are many more positive outcomes from this change for instance, over time the less paper that gets used to print means fewer trees are being chopped down to make that paper. The environment is important and the amount of paper wasted daily does not help. Digital in the long run may really help some environmental problems going around.
            Some of the simplest things have gotten even simpler. Inviting people to a party your planning once meant getting everyone’s address and sending out individual invites. Now all you have to do is make one Facebook event and invite anyone you want there into your event. You can even keep them posted with any changes you may have to make. Even letting people know where you are what your doing and making plans for the night have become easier and can be done through several social media sights or sending a text.
            The possibilities of digital usage are endless. It is so convenient to pick up a smart phone, kindle, tablet or even get on a computer and get so much done all at once. Multi tasking has become easy to do with these devices after all that is what they are built to do.
            Dan Blank ends his blog about digital vs. print with “Digital continues to make a compelling case for its future, while print can only hope to convince you that things were better in the 19th century.” I think he makes a good point, although some things are still paper it is slowly becoming a digital world. Digital makes life somewhat easier and anyone can find an aspect of it that they like.

Blank, Dan. “Why Digital Is Better Than Print.” I Feel Fine: How I Learne To Stop Worrying and Love The Web. danblank.com. n. p. 5 August 2000. web. [28 October 2014]

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Mike! While your blog states some great and positive information regarding digital, I disagree with your viewpoint on print. Paper books, newspapers, and textbooks are not slowly becoming out dated. They are still vital to our schools, and our society. Newspapers are still finding jobs for the unemployed and homeless, paper books are still helping children to read, and textbooks are still motivating new innovators to go to college. While digital is yet good, I disagree with the fact that it makes it easier for people to do so many basic day to day activities. In some third world countries, technology is not affordable and can be very costly. To find clean water is a day's work, and just getting food to feed your family can be a means of survival. To some, these are their basic day to day activities, and as much as they'd like, these activities can't be solved with the click of a search engine or a button. Digital is relative to who and where you located.
